Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just a quickie!

A lot of you have been asking about Luke's progress, so I thought I would update via a little blogging. :) He has been undergoing some nerve tests and MRI's because it seems certain muscles are not receiving appropriate signals. One of our biggest concerns is his shoulder/back. His left arm is not capable of making certain movements anymore. The doctor is running tests to eliminate theories. Some of these results we will need to wait till January to begin reassessing as the doc says we need to give it time.

He has been experiencing increased discomfort in his pelvis/hip area because of the misalignment during the intial healing. The most we can do for that right now is insoles and custom shoes.

His bone graft in his jaw seems to be progressing right along, so hopefully when it settles, in about 8 months, he will have nice teeth implants to fill those gaps.

What a trooper! It's pretty amazing to see how he takes all of this in. He has such a great attitude despite his many ailments. I am proud to be his wife.