Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Eurotrip: Germany, Belgium, Holland

We visited our good friends Josh and Sara Bell and their spunky kid Charlie in Germany (AF base in Rammstein). We had so much fun hanging out with them! They graciously allowed us to come and go as we pleased and use their home as our base during our whole trip. Here are a FRACTION of the fun pics from the trip!


Monday, March 2, 2009

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today, Luke was passenger in a horrific car accident. The driver lost control of the car and mid-spin, it slammed into a tree, crushing the car into Luke. Natural human instinct caused Luke to attempt to struggle free. Thankfully, the Lord had his watchful eye and sent a man to calm Luke. Had it not been for that man, Luke could have bled to death in his struggle. Luke's condition was so critical, the hospital had to perform multiple operations before the family even arrived. He sustained 3 breaks in his leg, his pelvis was completely severed in 2 pieces, broken jaw (crushed on one side), nerve trauma in the shoulder, broken ribs, broken nose, pelvic nerve trauma, lacerations in his lungs, and some minor internal bleeding. No brain trauma.

With trauma like this, we know his body will physically never be the same. His pelvis could not heal 100% evenly so he has a permanent limp, his jaw was also not able to heal evenly (even though he had his jaw wired shut), he is awaiting teeth implants and is working hard to recover the year the accident set him back.

I know Luke would give anything to reverse the accident, but he has proven a remarkable trust in the Lord and acceptance with full joy. His attitude has truly been one that would glorify the Lord. What an encouragement he is to me. I thank God for the resilience and the strength he has given Luke, so that he can continue to be a light to all those who know him or will ever meet him.

We praise God for sparing Luke for our sake, so that we may be blessed. A miraculous survival, 5 successful surgeries, 2 custom shoes, a few fake teeth (and a partridge in a pear tree) and one year later, we are still shouting for joy at the wonders of our mighty God’s hand. The Lord does not have to prove His might, nor does He need to make himself known, but how wonderful it is when He allows us the opportunity to see Him at work!

Thank you all for your prayers, support, love, cards, food, games and flowers that you provided while Luke was in the hospital. You all were a great encouragement to us and the entire Keith family.

We are rejoicing with our whole hearts.

Loving the life that God has given us,
Luke and Faith Keith

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: