Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Keith Workshop

This year we decided to make our gifts. We started out with grand plans, but as soon as we started the "smallest" project, we realized our scheme was far beyond "over ambition".

Turns out we were only able to make small somethings for everyone.

The Keith Christmas was tonight, so this post only exposes already unwrapped gifts.

For each couple (Mom and Dad, Mel and Bill, Joelle and Jared+baby judah) we made pajama pants. The guys got "hobo" pants, and the girls all received monkey pants. They were a blast. Pajama pants supposedly are extremely easy and low cost. But we managed to make them more expensive than you can buy them AND we spent about 1.2 hours per pant! HA!

The 2nd part of the gift was a menagerie of fine chocolate barks that we made in our home kitchen - what fun! We made dark chocolate almond joy bark, white chocolate peppermint bark, mint chocolate bark and milk chocolate smore's bark. Our whole house smelled of warm chocolates and creamy vanilla from the candle on our bar.

The whole experience was awesome - it was a great way for us to spend a lot of time together and it was amazing working on projects together.

For your viewing pleasure, here are a few pics of the disaster, nay, the fun!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Luke Away = Restless and Rowdy

Faith says...

Here I go again...I must be bored...I got the sudden urge to buy a new kayak, which was quickly overtaken by the desire to go diving paired with the purchase of jet skiis...which was overtaken by my desire to purchase a dirt bike...which was surpassed by my urge to get that mountain bike I've been wanting for a while....Then I remembered my skateboard...and the cello...

Not sure where to start but I'm ready to go mud fight someone, or back pack for the weekend, or SOMETHING! ...maybe my husband needs to hurry up and get back from his business trip!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Shoulder surgery - a success!

"The surgery could not have gone better" were the doc's words to me when Luke was moved to Recovery. They were able to successfully relieve the tension in his rotary cuff and surrounding tissues and re-open the "tunnels" that allow electricty to flow to that area. He experienced a lot of atrophy during the past 9 months while the muscles and tissue were NOT receiving electricity, but Luke is so strong and healthy, we know he will be back to snuff in no time. I continually am in awe and thanksgiving for the Lord's work on Luke's body and his miraculous survival of such a horrific accident.

Thought I'd share this praise with you all! Thanks for your prayers!